Go Green in the Kitchen

Kermit the Frog once said “It’s not always easy being green.” Well Kermit Mary says it is. Going green in your home does not need to be expensive or consume hours of time.

Go Green the kitchen by first switching liquid dish soap and dish washing detergent to products that are certified green. The sodium laurel sulphate in liquid cleaners including dish soaps, (wait till you read the hazards in the bathroom) extracts the petrochemicals out of the plastic bottles. Those two products then combine to form sodium dioxin. Never heard of it? How about the more common name of Agent Orange that is associated with a host of ailments including cancer. Agent Orange has been labeled as the most toxic chemical known to man.

Dish washer detergents contain phosphorus and bleach, both of which are hazardous to your health and the health of streams and rivers that sewer systems often feed into. If you are experiencing sinus problems switch to organic, non-phosphorus, non-chlorine dish washer detergent and enjoy a breath of air.