Lambswool - The Perfect Wash

Brushes scratch paint as the bristles wear down, which generally goes unnoticed by the owner. Microfiber, made from 85% polyester or plastic leaves fine scratches in the paint. To protect your paint from scratching reach for 100% Lambswool Wash Mitt or 100% Lambswool Wash Padfor RVs, trailers, trucks and boats. Recommended by many paint manufacturers, Mary Moppins Lambswool comes on real leather backing to give years of service.

Lambswool is ultra gentle even on newer non-lead paints to prevent scratches and mars in the finish.

Before purchasing Lambswool in the store, read the label carefully. The front may say “Lambswool’ but in very small print on the back it states “Made from manmade fibers.” Those fibers are microfiber. The mitts will scratch.