Cars & Trucks
When Mary began selling her cleaning supplies through RV shows she realized she knew little about how to care for the paint and gel coat finishes of an RV which is the same paint used on cars, trucks, vans and trailers. She soon began calling the manufactures for the various parts of a vehicle to learn the right way to care for these parts and surfaces. Then she took that knowledge and had auto care products formulated and designed specifically to protect these finishes. Read her tips to clean your car, truck or van without scratching and protect the finish from oxidization. Contact Mary Moppins with the link at the top of this page.
Advantage Waterless Wash & Wax
Are Petroleum Distillates in Wax Harmful?
Be cautious when applying any wax or protectant containing petroleum distillates. Low grade distillates can deteriorate the gel coat finish causing the paint to oxidize with time….
Clean Windshield Wipers
Don’t get stuck in a rain storm with dirty windshield wiper blades that smear and cause a loss of vision. Clean blades monthly with CleanEz or your organic all-purpose cleaner….
Cleaning and Protecting Tires
Rubber naturally oxidizes and must be scrubbed 3 to 4 times a year to remove the oxidation. The oxidization can make the tires look like they are cracking. Scrub them four times a year…
Cleaning Leather, Ultra Leather or Vinyl Seats
Proper cleaning and care of leather, ultra-leather and vinyl prevents drying and eventual cracking. Use of a petroleum or oil based cleaner or conditioner can damage the material….
Cleaning the Wheels of a Car
Wheels attract grime, dust, oil and dirt. That black residue must be removed but removal depends on the type of wheel. Sealed wheels and plastic wheels both have a shiny urethane type….
How to Remove Oxidation
Test for oxidation twice a year by rubbing a bit of your wax on the side for a few minutes. If any color comes off, your vehicle is oxidizing and you must remove the oxidation to prevent….
Lambswool - The Perfect Wash
Brushes scratch paint as the bristles wear down, which generally goes unnoticed by the owner. Microfiber, made from 85% polyester or plastic leaves fine scratches in the paint….
Microfiber, will it scratch?
Industrial paint and sealant manufacturers warn against washing or drying your vehicle with the popular microfiber products. They are made from 80 to 85% polyester or plastic….
Paint. What you don't know will hurt
Prior to 2003 paint was made from lead and could tolerate harsh cleaning products like liquid dish soaps and cleaners such as Simple Green or Mr. Clean. Most paints are now made….
Remove Bugs on the Windshield
Removing bugs on the windshield or front of a car requires the right tools. “Mary, we live in Texas and the love bugs make a horrible mess on our windshields. Is there any hope?”….
Restoring Decals & Stripes
Cleaning decals, stripes, and adhesive backed signs can be troublesome as they tend to oxidize and lose their color with exposure to harsh car wash products, petroleum distillates…..
Washing a car and Protecting the Finish
Why let dirt, grease oil and bugs ruin your car when the right tools and a bit of know how keeps the finish looking new for a lifetime and beyond….
Wax, Protectants and Sealants
Protecting the finish of a car prevents expensive paint jobs. Due to the change in VOC regulations new paints no longer contain lead a benefit to our health and our Earth….
FAQ Automotive
1. My dashboard and leather seats are feeling dry and the seats are not coming clean. I also have an ink mark I can’t remove. Can you help?….