Green Clean Your Car, Truck, Van, SUV

We all grew up washing our cars like Dad used to do with a toxic bucket of liquid dish soap filled with water. Father may know best but not when it comes to using a soap that destroys marine life.

Most liquid dish soaps contain phosphorus that causes an over-abundance of algae in lakes and stream that kills marine life. This is an oversimplification but gives you the general idea that marine life cannot survive when we dump toxic chemicals into our streams. The entire eco-system of a stream or river is disrupted and finally chocked to death.

Green clean your car, truck, van and SUV with half a cup of food grade distilled white vinegar in your five gallon bucket of wash water along with half a cap full of our EPA certified CLEAN EZ All Purpose Green Cleaner. Use our 100% Pure Lambswool Hand Mitt on Real Leather backing as your wash tool. Not only do you keep toxic chemicals out of the streams and rivers but you use far less water since your vehicle does not need to be rinsed.

For those of you in areas of drought and water restrictions keep a plastic bucket in your shower and fill it as the water heats for your morning shower. Two buckets of water are all that is necessary to wash your car.

If your vehicle is lightly dirty without sand or grit then grab a bottle of Mary Moppins Advantage a waterless wash and protectant. It cleans and leaves a show stopping shine on your vehicle in one easy step.

Clean and protect leather, vinyl and ultra-leather including the dash and steering wheel with Mary’s all natural bees wax based Leather/Vinyl Cleaner and Conditioner. Then clean stubborn carpet or seat stains with our CleanEz