FAQs - Cleaning Kitchens
1. I was told not to use vinegar on my marble and tile floors. Is this right and if not what do I use?
The wise person asks questions first rather than taking the chance of ruining their floor. Vinegar pits and damages stone floor surfaces. Mop with warm water for tile, marble, granite, slate or composite flooring. Use our heavy weight 100% Cotton Terry Towels that do a better job scrubbing. Always dry marble, granite and composite floors to prevent water spots. Discover how quickly you will breeze through mopping with our Mary Moppins Best Home Mop. You can mop and dry even large areas in less than 15 minutes.
2. My linoleum floor has deep grooves in the surface. Nothing short of sand blasting removes the dirt. What can I do?
Use a clean towel dampened in a gallon of water adding two tablespoons of CLEAN EZ All Purpose Green Cleaner. Go over the floor a section at a time with the towel wet, not dripping, placed over our Best Home Mop. Let that set on the floor for a few minutes then mop. CleanEz breaks up the toughest of dirt yet won’t damage your floor. Alternately spray the walk areas with diluted CleanEz let it set a few minutes and mop.
3. My back bothers me. Leaning over standard handles is painful. What can I do?
I’ve tried so many mops and after cleaning floors all day for a living my back was in constant pain. Imagine cleaning a floor with no pain at all to your back, neck or shoulders! Mop your floors free of pain using our Best Home Mop Plus. Our handle extends from 4 to 8 feet and adjusts to your height solving those back problems. Tall folks too, just love it. Very little pressure is needed to clean your floor. Let the mop do your work and not your back