Green Cleaning

Mary Findley is a veteran cleaning expert and Founder of Mary Moppins. Mary built the company on the idea that she could create a way to make green cleaning easier, which inspired her to co-author “The Complete Idiots Guide to Green Cleaning” available on Amazon. The Mary Moppins line of specially designed cleaning tools are eco-friendly, yet industrial strength to give you the cleaning power you need to clean quickly and thoroughly.

Toxic Chemicals Found in the Home

After reading the following list of toxic chemicals that you are unknowingly exposing yourself to everyday, hopefully you will be encouraged to hit the green….

Green Clean Your Car, Truck, Van, SUV

We all grew up washing our cars like Dad used to do with a toxic bucket of liquid dish soap filled with water. Father may know best but not when it comes to using a soap that destroys marine life….

Go Green your Yard

First of all, take a quick trip to your garage or shed and read the back of your fertilizer and pest control bags. Do they say: “Chemical, Caution, Danger” or “Do not inhale” or “Rinse thoroughly if you come into….

Green Cleaners

When you make the jump to Go Green in your life don’t forget the broom closed. First of all a cleaner may tout the Green Seal of Approval but how green is the product if it is ready to use right out of the bottle?….

Green Clean the Bathroom

The bathroom contains more toxic cleaners than any other room in the home. Let’s take a close look at various ways to go green your bathroom and rid it of toxic chemicals for improved health both to you….

Living areas including bedrooms

For your health and that of Mother Earth stop using air fresheners including plug ins. Most fresheners contain chemicals that numb your sinuses so you can’t smell the odors. They cause sinus infections….

When Green Cleaners Aren't So Green

Earth Friendly, Eco Friendly, Green Cleaner what is the difference and why should you care? Let me start by saying that a cleaner like my CleanEz is both Earth Friendly – because it is concentrated….

Go Green in the kitchen

Kermit the Frog once said “It’s not always easy being green.” Well Kermit Mary says it is. Going green in your home does not need to be expensive or consume hours of time….

Living Sustainably

So you’ve done it all and you still feel sick? You’ve banned all of the toxic cleaners, fragrances, and detergents in the house! All of them gone! But you’re not really better…

Resource Guide

Your Complete Resource Guide

This appendix is your guide to products mentioned in this book. It also lists places to buy natural products…